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Social Science 2 (Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person)

Edcel John Protacio
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Here is the class outline:

1. Lesson 1 ( The Meaning and Method of Doing Philosophy

The study of this subject is an initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection as a search for a synoptic vision of life. At the end of the course, you should be able to reflect on their daily experiences from a holistic point of view, acquire critical and analytical thinking skills and should be able to apply this critical and analytical thinking skills to the affairs of daily life and become truthful, environment-friendly and service-oriented. Actively committed to the development of a more humane society and articulate their own philosophy of life.

2. Lesson 2 (Method of Philosophizing)

The study of this subject is an initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection as a search for a synoptic vision of life. At the end of the course, you should be able to reflect on their daily experiences from a holistic point of view, acquire critical and analytical thinking skills and should be able to apply this critical and analytical thinking skills to the affairs of daily life and become truthful, environment-friendly and service-oriented. Actively committed to the development of a more humane society and articulate their own philosophy of life.

3. Lesson 3 (The Human Person Embodied Spirit)

One of the leading subjects in the course Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person is the idea that the human person is an embodied spirit. So, what do we exactly mean by “embodied spirit”?

4. Lesson 4 The Human Person in their Environment

John Donne: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” This means that as human person, it is our responsibility to treat a person with respect not only our fellow humans but also everything in this world. Humankind is a part of the world, and we significantly affect our environment in the same manner of what that changes in our environment affect us.

5. Lesson 5 (Freedom of the Human Person)

This lesson highlights freedom from the intellectual, political, spiritual and economic aspects. To be free is a part of humanity`s authenticity. In one way, understanding freedom is a part of our transcendence. Freedom consists of going beyond situations such as physical or economic.

6. Lesson 6 (Intersubjectivity)

We all live in the world surrounded by different people with different background and personality. Relating with others and settling our differences is not always an easy task but it’s a task that we have to embrace since we all desire to live peacefully in a world that we shared with them no matter how different they are to us. Since we, also, benefit from living with others, like security and companionship, we tried to establish harmonious relationship with them. Some could say that relationship is a blessing but, perhaps, this is not true for others who find it more of a curse. Some relationship last longer and touches more lives, while other relationships ended even before the relation takes root. Trust or suspicion, authentic communication or lies and dishonesty, unconditional love or self-interest are just some of the possible causes of strengthening or breaking human relationship.

7. lesson 7 (The Human Person in Society)

The study of this module enables you to understand and recognize how individuals help in the formation of societies, how this societies transformed or influenced you and other human being as part of society, allows you to compare different forms of societies, and enables you to explain and evaluate how social systems transformed human relations.

8. Human Persons as Oriented Towards Their Impending Death

The study of this module enables you to understand the significance of death in the existence of the person and the meaning of your own lives and gives you an opportunity to enumerate or list down things you wanted to do in your own life and how you should live your life before it finally ends.