CC5 - Information Management BSIT 2C
Ian Dominic Maunes
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Here is the class outline:
1. MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE● Know and understand Database and Database Concept. ● Familiarize Database Terminologies ● Apply Database Concepts in developing Databases. |
2. MODULE 2: DATA MODELS1. Know and understand Data Models. 2. Familiarize Data Models. 3. Create all types of data models. |
3. MODULE 3: MYSQL SYNTAX1. Know and understand Database and Database Concept. 2. Familiarize Database Terminologies. 3. Apply Database Concepts in developing Databases. |
4. MODULE 4: MYSQL STORED PROCEDURES1. Know and understand MySQL Stored Programming. 2. Familiarize MySQL Stored Programming 3. Perform MySQL Stored Programming in MySQL Database. |