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STS (Science, Technology and Society) - 8-9

Jocelyn Villaruz
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Here is the class outline:

1. Module 6:The Good Life

Everyone is in pursuit of the good life. We do certain things because we want to achieve a life which will make us happy and content. By studying and working hard, we try to attain this goal not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones and the rest of humanity. Good life may vary and differ in the particular, however, we recognize universal truths that cut across differences.

2. Module 7: When Technology and Humanity Cross

The good life entails living in a just and progressive society whose citizens have the freedom to flourish. The human person has the autonomy to make choices which may enable the flourishing of his/her self and society. As implied, everyone has absolute moral worth by virtue of being human. Human dignity is an ultimate core value of our existence. When we fully recognize and appreciate this truth in ourselves and in all the persons around us, regardless of their status in life, then we pave the way for a just and progressive society. It is in this kind of society that we are able to become fully human - more free, more rational, and more loving. Human beings become more free when we are empowered to make choices for our flourishing. We become more rational when we are able to value and apply the principles of logic and science in our lives. We become more loving when we ensure that human dignity lies at the foundation of our endeavors, whether scientific or not. It entails knowing one’s fundamental human rights that must always be protected in the face of changing conditions.

3. Module 8: Information Society

Humans are surrounded on all sides by technology claiming to supply information: television, smart phones, and internet devices, among others. However, do they all provide information or just noise? More voices are trying to get our attention but how can we be sure that they share knowledge and the truth? Before the printed word, the written word was prevalent. Yet, the intent to carry information has always been present. Words are informed with meaning given by the speaker and intended for the listener.

4. Module 9: Biodiversity, Nano World and Gene Therapy

From the early times, when ancient philosophers of nature tried to explain all things as coming from the elements of water, fire, air, or earth, science sought for the common characteristic, a unifying element, in all of nature’s many phenomena. There was a growing awareness of how all living things are related to each other, an idea called biodiversity. This recognition started when naturalists began to classify organisms in the natural world using taxonomy, a system devised by Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus. Taxonomy is the hierarchical system of classifying and naming organisms. It builds on the ability of the mind to find the common in the diverse, the One in the Many. It is a system commonly used today and shows that though the living organisms in the world are so diverse, they still share many traits. One of the basic laws of the living is that of self-preservation. An organism will sacrifice all it has to ensure its survival. However, with a limited amount of resources, how do the many living organisms of a diverse region survive? The energy needed to live is shared among the elements of the living world, or passed on from one to another.


This module tackled how historical antecedents have affected the course of science and technology. It has been established that most, if not all, of the discoveries and interventions in science and technology during each time period were due to human needs and wants. Brilliant minds responded to the call of the times and created things that could make life easier for the people. There have also been instances when advancements in science and technology changed people’s perceptions and beliefs. Much of these events happened in a period now known as the Intellectual Revolution.


The development of science and technology in the Philippines has already come a long way. Many significant inventions and discoveries have been accomplished by or attributed to Filipinos. This module tackles how the development of science and technology affect the development of the Philippines as a nation.


The progress of human civilizations throughout history mirrors the development of science and technology. The human person, as both the bearer and beneficiary of science and technology, flourishes and finds meaning in the world that he/she builds. To be able to appreciate the fruits of science and technology, they must be examined not only for their greater impact on humanity as a whole. Technology utility lies on providing people with a certain good, convenience, or knowledge.

8. Module 5: Human Flourishing as Reflected in Progress and Development

The quest for human progress and flourishing has always been at the center of civilization. People always seek to live better lives and provide a better life. In the process, they seek to live lives of meaning and aspire to fulfill their potential. Although societies are made up of heterogeneous individuals with different preferences, people reliably organize themselves into groups, communities or nations in an effort to improve the status quo (progress). According to Nicholas Christakis, human flourishing in its broadest sense means that it is about everyone having a chance to climb the ladder of success. In essence, the dream is about aspiration, opportunity, progress, and not just material comfort alone. It is something greater than yourself while still maintaining a strong sense of personal agency. By “progress” means the combination of economic, technological, scientific, cultural, and organizational advancement that has transformed our lives and raised standards of living over the past couple of centuries. Humans of today are expected to become “man of the world”, supposed to situate himself in a global neighborhood, working side by side among institutions and the government to be able to reach a common good.

9. Module 1: Historical Antecedents in the course of Science, Technology and Society

Science and technology indeed play major roles in the everyday life. They make difficult and complicated tasks easier and allow people to do more with so little effort and time. The developments in this field are not just products of people’s imagination or a one-time thought process; they are also brought about by gradual improvements to earlier works from different time periods.